Posted on 2/26/2024

Have you ever been cruising down the road, only to be startled by a strange noise every time you shift gears? It's like your car is trying to communicate, but instead of words, it's using a language of grinds, whines, and squeals. This Morse code is not just an annoyance; it's a cry for help, signaling that all might not be well within the depths of your transmission or clutch system. Understanding these sounds and their origins is not just for the mechanically minded—it's for anyone who relies on their vehicle for daily drive. The Grind The sound of grinding when shifting gears is as grating on the ears as it is damaging to your car. This metallic symphony often points to a lack of synchronization in the gearbox. The gears are clashing instead of sliding smoothly into place. Why does this happen? It could be d ... read more