Posted on 7/30/2023
Preventative maintenance is required to keep your car functioning correctly. Routine maintenance, such as changing the oil, is required to keep the engine working properly and to avoid a failure. The gasoline system in your car is an important component that must be serviced on a regular basis. Cleaning the gasoline system can help you avoid significant problems down the road, both metaphorically and physically. Problem Symptoms Proper fuel system maintenance aids in the detection of typical faults such as defective sensors or buildup on components. Buildup can deteriorate components and cause them to fail, or it can cause clogging, preventing the system from functioning properly. Keep an eye out for the following signs that your fuel system needs cleaning: • Begins roughly • When idling, it shudders • When travelling uphill or towing, it loses power • When pressing the gas pedal, the engine responds slowly • Gradual acceleration Vehicle Maintenance If you ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2023

Amidst the numerous routine services that enhance your vehicle's lifespan and performance as you rack up the miles, it's easy to overlook a crucial maintenance aspect: transmission. When it comes to transmission problems, the consequences can be financially daunting, often resulting in costly replacements that can set you back several thousand dollars. Fortunately, there are proactive measures you can take to maintain a healthy transmission, such as regular transmission fluid flushes. This article delves into the significance of flushing your transmission fluid and why it matters. Advantages of Regular Transmission Fluid Flushes Improve Efficiency A transmission that is not in tune with the engine might cause acceleration, braking, and performance problems in your car. That's why it is crucial to prioritize transmission maintenance. Regularly changing the transmission fluid improves engine efficiency, reduces fuel consumption, and helps you save money that would have ot ... read more
Posted on 5/30/2023

As you embark on a road trip with your loved ones this summer, the anticipation builds, and you can't help but imagine the laughter and excitement that will fill the car. One way to make your journey even more enjoyable is by playing road trip games. These games not only pass the time but also bring everyone together for a memorable bonding experience. License Plate Bingo Turn your attention to the license plates of passing vehicles and try to spot plates from different states or provinces. Create bingo cards with a grid of states or provinces, and mark each one as you spot a corresponding license plate. The first person to complete a row or a full card wins! 20 Questions Challenge your friends or family members with a classic game of 20 Questions. One person thinks of a person, place, or thing, and others take turns asking yes-or-no questions to guess what it is. The goal is to guess the answer within 20 questions or fewer. Rotate the roles and let the fun continue! I S ... read more
Posted on 4/26/2023

Brake fade is a sudden or temporary reduction of the brake power. You may be driving and notice that your car doesn't stop immediately upon applying brakes. If you notice that the car stops after applying brakes, but not as quickly as you expect, that might be a brake fade. However, other factors, such as hydraulic or mechanical problems, can reduce the brake power. So, inspect the brake system and confirm the problem before concluding it's a brake fade. What Causes Brake Fade? The car brake system works by converting kinetic energy into heat energy. That's why the pads and rotors produce heat every time the car brakes are applied. If you are unfamiliar with the information, pass your hand near the brake rotors after driving the car for a long distance. You will notice the rotors are hot. On the other hand, kinetic energy often rises with the square of velocity. So, braking at higher speeds or when the vehicle is loaded can overwork the system, thus generating excessive ... read more
Posted on 3/23/2023

There are many myths surrounding auto repairs that can lead to misinformation and even costly missteps. The team at NOLA Automotive Repairs LLC wants to help you in every way that we can, which is why we will share some common auto repair myths and debunk them today in our blog. Myth #1: You must take your car to the dealership for repairs. Many people believe that they must take their car to the dealership for repairs, but this is not true. Independent auto repair shops are often a more affordable and convenient option, and they can provide the same level of service and quality as a dealership (and at a better price too). Myth #2: You must change your oil every 3,000 miles. While changing your oil on a regular basis is essential for maintaining the health of your engine, you don't necessarily need to do it every 3,000 miles. The frequency of oil changes depends on your driving habits, the age of your vehicle, and the type of oil you use. Check your vehicle owner's manual ... read more